AddressTwo is a Small Business CRM that's Simple and Easy to Use.

Blogging All-Things-CRM

"I just need a Simple CRM" CRM systems are no longer an option, they’re a necessity. Customer Relationship Management systems are now used by businesses of all scales and sizes. How do you know you need one? It’s simple, just ask yourself: Are ...

It has to happen every once in a while and this is the perfect time of year to face it. I’m talking about cleaning up your list. This realization came crashing down on a client recently and it just serves to remind me that it is one of the last ...

Have you started sending holiday emails yet? If not, what are you waiting for? Holidays are that time of year when people shop the most, and chances are that your small biz can benefit greatly from that. Successful email marketing is an amazing too...

Are you tired of storing your customer data in spread sheets, emails and who knows where? Are there other employees interacting with clients and you’d like a way to supervise the activity? Do you feel like things are slowly getting out of contro...

Sending out a warning into the air just won’t work to provide your clients with urgent and important information.Photo credit: alistair Cotton, This has been a really trying week here in our office. You see, we have had our web...

Simply having access to a CRM system does not allow you to instantly reap the benefits of that customer database. With a simple CRM like AddressTwo, there isn’t much of a learning curve when it comes to understanding, but there are some important ha...

Customer Relationship Management is as simple as C-R-M. Breaking down these three parts of a greater whole will help you to deeper understand how a CRM software system is the key to business success. Here are three videos that will explain each of...

Duplicates and inaccurate data in your CRM can ruin your ability to properly market and contact prospects in your database. Use these tips for ensuring your CRM system is in tip-top shape. Avoiding Duplicates Regularly review your data for duplica...

Writing a post on "Why you need a CRM system" feels a little like writing "Why you need a respiratory system."  It's not an option, a luxury, or an upgrade for your business.  It's vital to survival.  But, unlike the lungs you were bor...

I expect there may be a few more objections to this premise from some who have successfully used Outlook as their CRM for years. To that end, I would say that it's also true that people have successfully used their car keys as box cutters, but it's ...

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