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Build Relationships Don't just go for the Sale

According to BigCommerce data, 42% of online shoppers want more testimonials from ecommerce sites. And according to Rapt Media, 63% of consumers also said that they think positively of a brand if it provided them with content that was more valuable, interesting and relevant. So how does that apply to the modern-day sales person?

Well, it reveals that the key to sales is relationships. Successful relationships occur when two or keep customers happy, you first must know what they want. Building relationships with your customers, therefore, can pay off with big rewards not only in the short-term but also in long-term business relationships.
more people can keep each other happy. And if you want to

So, how can you build successful relationships with your prospects and turn them into customers? In today’s post, we examine that question.

Get to Know Their Needs & Desires

All relationships are built on the same foundation—getting to know one another!
As a salesperson, your goal is to keep customers happy. To do that, you must know what they either:
  • Need
  • Desire

Everyone has basic needs like clothing, food, and shelter. But what other needs does your target customer have?

Do they need a safe vehicle to drive their kids to school? Or maybe they need better software to be more efficient.

Regardless of what your selling, if you get to know your customers you can understand their needs and desires, rather than assuming you already do.

 Give them What They Want

Now that you know what their needs and desires are, the next step is to use that to your advantage.

Every relationship is a give and take, even one between a salesperson and a customer.

Your job is to give them what they want.

Brainstorm and think of ways you can reward your customers with things they actually want. Use the information you’ve learned to take strategic action. Think rewards points, gift cards, and coupons they can use on the item you know they want or need.

Building a relationship with your prospects can seem like a lot of effort for little return, but if want to make more sales, it’s a time investment that pays off in the end.
