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Can't get a prospect to answer the phone? Try drip email marketing to make them call you.

The focus of this article is email drip marketing for lead nurturing campaign. In today’s busy times, potential customers rarely have the time to learn everything about your company. So this is where the drip email campaign comes in. Today’s buyers want to make an informed buying decision, so why not take advantage of this and help them out.

Your prospects are your main source of income, and you constantly have to look for new ways to approach them the right way. When you’re cold calling people the chances they’ll be interested are slim. The ideal situation is to have them call you. But that sounds a bit far-fetched, doesn’t it? Maybe not.

Drip marketing is a direct marketing strategy where you come into contact with your potential clients prior to contacting them directly. It’s called ‘drip’ because you send emails to your prospects bit by bit before actually getting them on the phone. The only difference being that you’re sending out promotional emails over a period of time to get them to call you.

Crucial flow of email drip campaigns is as follows:

Find out who is your target audience  
Knowing your target audience is the crucial part of any marketing campaign, and drip email
campaign is no exception to the rule. Identifying your audience and their profile is the key to your approach and successfulness of your campaign. If you want to spark their interest, you need to understand them and their pain points. There’s no chance they’ll call you unless you offer them something they can’t refuse. That is only achieved if you truly know who you’re talking to.

What is your offer/message/goal that you want to convey to end user 
Second most important thing is formulating the message that you want to convey. Your message has to incorporate all the important elements that will trigger their interest and get them to call you. Remember that your message will be delivered in several ‘drips’ so it makes sense to distribute the bits of information evenly so as to retain their interest.

Create a strategic plan - how many emails, what triggers you want to include in each
The third thing you have to figure out is how many emails you want to send out and what to include in each. This depends entirely on your message, of course, but also on your target audience. If you have more than one trigger you can distribute the triggers into several emails. Also, think about the timing and how long you want to wait before sending a follow up email.

As with every other marketing endeavour - always measure. Measuring is crucial if you want to learn from your mistakes, and you’re bound to make some, especially in the beginning.

Drip marketing campaign is a great way of sparking interest and ultimately making people call you. This type of campaign allows to gradually build rapport and stay top of mind with potential prospects without being too pushy. If your content and timing is good enough, they will eventually come to you.  Here are a few more email marketing tips we have for you.
