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Make Your Opinions Matter - and Work for You

Everyone has opinions, don’t they? Some you agree with, some might make you angry and others have you saying, “Well, yeah, that’s right!”

Opinion pieces are great PR,
just be sure to handle them correctly.
Photo credit: Igor Zakowski,
Opinions are read. Have you ever noticed that? And when someone voices an opinion that touches you – whether in strong agreement or strong opposition – you REALLY read it, and then you share it and talk about it with others. You might even send someone a link or a copy of the piece.

This all has a point, especially for small business owners. Opinion pieces and letters to the editor are a great way to get some PR. Besides getting something off your chest, you get your name and your business out into the public eye, too.

And, the real bonus is that you never know who will take an interest and where that piece will go!

Case in point:

Recently a small business owner was expressing an opinion about a small business statistic here in Indiana. He was emotional about it – offended and frustrated. Since I know him quite well, I took the liberty of penning a letter to the editor and sent it to him with the suggestion that it be submitted to several local media outlets.

He agreed so I polished it with finishing touches and off it went. Several publications picked it up and it appeared in print and online.

Over the next several days, he received quite a number of phone calls, emails and comments about it. He was surprised, pleasantly, by the attention. But the most significant result was a call that landed a new client and project.

And it was all because he expressed an opinion that resonated with the community. He took a position and staked a claim.

Expand the reach

There’s more you can do with a published letter to the editor or opinion piece. If you have a mailing list, you have the opportunity to share the published piece with your herd. Use your CRM like AddressTwo to send out an email blast sharing the piece. You can either share the letter or, better yet, share a link to the piece (if it’s online) or in your “In The News” page on your website.

Which illuminates another point. Add the letter to your website with a comment – or an invitation to participate in a dialog. With a static link on your website, you can include the link in your social media editorial calendar for as much or as long as you want.

Do you have an opinion?

Of course you do, we all do. But I want to caution you that this PR opportunity is NOT the place to spout. It is the chance to bring an issue to light and (HERE IS THE IMPORTANT PART) offer a solution or make a suggestion. If you just write a letter to complain, that’s how you may be viewed – as a complainer.

If, on the other hand, you offer a solution or make a suggestion – or, in the above case, offer to participate in a solution – you have the chance to be seen as a leader and problem solver. If your solution is practical and cost-effective, you have hit potential gold. That is because people will stop and consider your solution. If they agree, they may comment or connect with you. If they don’t agree, they may comment or connect with you. Either way, a conversation is started.

And, you can include published letters to the editor in your credentials, too. You are published!

You have a voice – and an opinion. Use it in a productive manner and you may just change something in your sphere of influence for the better and build relationships with new people and new clients. Everyone benefits.

Elaine Whitesides, Whitesides Words
