AddressTwo is a Small Business CRM that's Simple and Easy to Use.

The Importance of Following Up with Sales Leads

AddressTwo, The Simple CRM, has
built-in follow up plans using smart tech.
to make sure your best opportunities are
never forgotten...
Leads won’t be of any value to you if you let them slip away. Generating sales leads is not done when
you’ve accumulated a number of leads. You’re only halfway through. But don’t take my word for it.
Did you know that up to 79% of leads never convert into sales? Why? Because brands and companies don’t nurture their leads.

When everything's going great, business owners get too comfortable thinking they are invincible. And then after a while, everything stops. All those leads start drying up, and before you know it you’re back to square one.

When you follow up on your leads (no matter how hot or cold) you’re making sure that:

You’re increasing your chances for conversion and repeat buying

You’re improving your ROI

You’re building a rapport with your audience

You stay top of mind -- if people don’t hear from you long enough they may forget about you

You keep your leads updated

Failing to follow up on your leads will turn them cold, and with today’s competition it won’t be long until they’ve replaced you with someone else. Not necessarily because they are better than you, but because they were persistent enough.

Looking for more great ways to Follow-Up?  Check out our blogs on Sales Tips.
